When you upload data on a web hosting server, it requires an amount of storage space on the hard disk dependent on its size. If you have a script-driven site which saves its data in a database, you will need more disk space, the more people make use of it. For instance, in the event that you have a message board, the more comments people leave, the bigger the database will be. E-mail messages, especially ones having attachments, also need some disk space in the web hosting account. The HDD space quota you will get with your cloud web hosting supplier is the full amount of data you could have at any given moment, it features web site files, e-mails as well as databases. Similarly, a personal computer has a hard drive and the software programs installed on it plus all docs and / or music files that you create or download require some storage space, which can't surpass the total capacity of your hard drive.

Disk Space in Cloud Web Hosting

By using our cloud web hosting packages, you will never concern yourself with hdd storage. While most companies create accounts using a single server and at some time all the server hdd storage will be in use, we've used a cloud hosting platform where the files, emails as well as the databases are taken care of by distinct clusters of servers. By doing this, each machine functions better because just one type of processes is functioning on it, and the hdd storage is virtually unrestricted because we will always attach additional servers or hard disk drives to the cluster, depending on whether we want more processing power or more space. You won't ever encounter a position where you are not able to upload more files because there is no free hard disk space on the server, that's an issue you may experience with various providers. When you use our hosting services, you can be sure that insufficient space will not be a setback for the growth of your web sites.

Disk Space in Semi-dedicated Hosting

If you get a semi-dedicated server package from us, you do not need to concern yourself with the hdd space that you can use due to the basic reason that the characteristic is limitless. By contrast to lots of other website hosting companies that advertise an identical service, but set up accounts on a single machine where only so much hdds can be fitted, we make use of an innovative cloud system that employs groups of servers. All of your files will be located on a single cluster, your email messages on another, the databases on a third one etcetera. This type of platform has at least two significant advantages - first, the hdd space will not ever finish since we can attach additional servers to every cluster that needs them, and second, the servers will operate much more effectively because they will be in charge of just a single type of processes. A semi-dedicated server package provides you the freedom to expand your websites as much as you want.

Disk Space in VPS Web Hosting

The hard disk storage that we supply with our virtual private servers varies depending on the package that you choose when you register. With a more powerful server, you'll be able to effortlessly run lots of websites, which means more content, which means that the higher the VPS plan, the more disk space you'll have available. Shifting from one plan to another one will take just a couple of clicks and it won't involve any kind of service disruption. Your site databases, files and emails will share the overall amount of space your server has, but if you'd rather to use fixed allocations, you'll be able to choose cPanel or DirectAdmin for the hosting Control Panel during the ordering process. Each of the instruments will enable you to set up web hosting accounts with restricted disk storage and if necessary, even to allot space from one existing account to another one. Using the third solution that you'll find on the order page, the Hepsia Control Panel, all domains will share the storage.

Disk Space in Dedicated Servers Hosting

When you use Linux dedicated servers hosting you will get all the hdd space that you will need for your sites, databases, e-mail messages and applications. Hundreds of gigabytes of storage space will be available and not shared with anyone else, thus you will be able to upload any data you may need - site files, personal or company archive backup copies, etc. You'll get a minimum of two separate hard disk drives that work well in RAID, so one drive will mirror the other in real time to guarantee that all your essential information is always protected. If you like, you'll be able to use the disks independently and use the whole storage space in any way you see fit. When necessary, you may also get additional drives attached to your server to get even additional storage space. You'll have the option to set up web hosting accounts with fixed hard disk space allocations if you order your server with cPanel or DirectAdmin for the website hosting Control Panel. Using Hepsia, which is the 3rd Control Panel alternative on the order page, all of the domain names hosted on the server will share the hard disk space and they will be handled via a single account. In either case, our dedicated plans will satisfy your requirements no matter what type of web site you need to host.