Customer Support Channels

  • 1 hour ticket response time
  • A Sixty–Minute Response Time Guarantee

  • All your assistance requests will be attended to within maximum 60 min after the trouble ticket or e–mail was submitted. If your issue requires further assistance from a server administrator, we’ll direct the support ticket or the email to the person in charge, right away and will leave a note to let you know that more time will be required for finding a solution. And if you make use of our Optional Managed Services package, all of the server administration services included there will be executed whenever you prefer.

  • Top quality support service
  • An Exceptional Support Service

  • Our customer support staff will be at your disposal 24–7 should you require help while working with our Control Panel or with any of the applications that we have preinstalled for you on the server. What is more if you require assistance with the day–to–day administration tasks on your dedicated server, you can check out our Optional Managed Services package, which includes backup space, weekly OS updates, installation and troubleshooting procedures, server monitoring and rebooting services, etc.

  • Intuitive help center
  • A User–Friendly Help Area

  • We have provided the Control Panel with a circumstantial knowledgebase, which features detailed explanations of all its features and functions. Also, we have made detailed video tutorials that will further disclose to you how to carry out a specific action or troubleshoot a commonly encountered issue. All the instructional articles and the tutorial videos are easily accessible from each section of the Control Panel through the Videos and Help buttons situated in the top right corner.